Slow Cooker whole roast Chicken. Wish me luck with this one…It’s a 6litre, holds just enough for my small army
1.4kg whole Chicken
1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 can condensed cream of chicken and corn soup
300ml cooking cream
1 cup of water
2 tbsp. of worstershire sauce
1 tbsp. soy sauce
2 tsp minced garlic
1 finely diced brown onion
Generous sprinkle of Tuscan seasoning
Generous sprinkle of smoked paprika
All ingredients mixed together then added two large sliced carrots & a cut up head of broccoli.
I’ve opted to place the chicken breast side down for maximum flavour, then pushed them down a bit to make sure some of the sauce went inside.
Topped off with more sprinkle of Tuscan seasoning.
I cook mine for 8 hours on low so it should be fine. You can always check if it’s cooked sooner by checking the colour of its juices.
I used sour cream for the mash instead of milk because the sauce was I little runnier than I wanted but I didn’t want to thicken it up… I only lost a leg and wing when I removed it from the sc, so bones aren’t a problem with this one.

This will be served with mash potatoes.
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