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Steamed Treacle Sponge

Slow cooker steamed treacle sponge. 5 minutes to prep and it was lush! Heat slow cooker on high


•6oz stork
•3 eggs
•6oz self raising flour
•6oz caster sugar
•splash of milk


Mix all together
Grease a bowl (I used a plastic pudding bowl) pour as much syrup as wanted in the bottom
Pour mixture on top of syrup
Cover with foil
Place in slow cooker, fill slow cooker with boiling water to half way up the bowl
Cook on high for 2.5 hours.

Question:        Which syrup did you use?

Answer:          Golden syrup.

Question:        Can you make something like this but using strawberry jam instead, I have loads of jam to use.

Answer:           Yeah I’m going to try a jam sponge next time.

Question:        Could you use a glass bowl in slow Cooker.

Answer:           I imagine it should be ok as long as it’s heat proof and could be used in the oven etc x

Question:         Was wondering what type of bowl to use. Does it matter if plastic, metal or pot. Xx

Answer:            I used a plastic heat proof to be on the safe side but I know someone who made it using a cereal type bowl with no problem.

Question:         Did you put a towel under the lid?

Answer:            Nope.

Question:          Lid on or off? Just trying a jam one.

Answer:            Lid on so that it steam cooks x

Question:         What stork is or caster sugar.

Answer:            Stork is margarine.

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