
Slow Cooked Pumpkin Risotto

What we have here is 22 tiny tyrant sized portions of slow cooked pumpkin risotto, all ready to be frozen.
It worked out fantastically. So much so that the afore mentioned tyrant (my 17 month old) was actually eating the celery and sweet potato out of the pot as I was spooning it into the bags.
Always a winner in our house.


1 small whole Pumpkin
1 medium Sweet potato
4 stalks of Celery
500g Brown rice
1 tin Lentils
3 Tbs Chia Seeds
2 tbs Coriander (finely chopped if fresh)
1 tbs ground Cumin
1/4 cup Fresh Parmesan cheese
2lt Home made chicken stock
1lt water
Pepper to taste
Chilli (my kid likes it spicy)


Peel and cut up pumpkin and sweet potato into about 1cm cubes.
Dice up celery nice and small.
Chuck into the pot with the rice, coriander, cumin, pepper and chilli.
Add fill the pot with the water and stock.
Cook on high until the rice and pumpkin is tender and the liquid has been absorbed. Add cheese, lentils and chia seeds, stir to combine. Cook for a further 30 minutes.
Serve and it shall be delicious!

Oh the only reason it’s gears towards kids is because I make it for my tiny tyrant (he’s 17 months and ‘helping’ me make it for him in the picture).
If canned pumpkin is just cooked pumpkin then it shouldn’t be an issue. The pumpkin in this recipe cooks down and becomes the risotto sauce so it should work much the same, it just may be a bit runnier (not an issue if you’re eating it yourself though, you don’t have to get it to stick to a spoon ?

Slow Cooked Pumpkin Risotto

Salted Caramel Fudge Recipe 


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