Another cook off done.
Not all meals are slow cooked but the ones that are, recipes are below. I did 13 nights worth for a family of 5 for $197. works out at $15.15 a night to feed 2 adults 3 kids.
Fried Rice

Honey Chicken

Slow Cooker Sticky Honey Chicken
Beef Stir Fry
1kg Stir Fry Meat of choice
2 x jars choice of stir fry flavour. (I did honey soy garlic)
500g frozen veg (keep out to allow to defrost a little before adding)
1 packet Hokkien noodles
Coat meat with flavoured jars in slow cooker. Cook on low for 3hours.
Then add noodles & vegies.
Roast Beef
Already marinated from shops. Throw in slow cooker & cook on high for 4 hours. I normally do low for 6 to 8 but trailing high.
Honey Soy Chicken
Already marinated skewers from shops. Remove from skewers, cook on low for 3-4 hours.
(My kids help me a lot and make sure stuff like dish washer is ready to go and I normally have both my sinks full one with soapy water one with hot water and I rinse and reuse utensils etc.)
Freezer Meals Questions & Answers
Question: How do you stop your noodles from going mushy?
Answer: I’ve always just made sure i freeze them with enough sauce coating them and put them in as soon as possible.
Question: Do you store in the freezer and pull out night before?
Answer: Store in freezer pull out morning of. Sometimes arvo when I remember haha.
Question: Does it all defrost and reheat well?
Answer: I said about I have a hubby who if he doesn’t like something he’s not shy in saying it sucks and goes off to make a vegemite sandwich. He’s not complained about on single one of these so far.
Actually have it he works FIFO and they had to go 2 days without a cook at camp and he recommended to the cook before she had to leave she do up something like this for them.
Question: How do you use these? do you defrost and reheat in container? do you cook straight from frozen? How does it work.
Answer: Anything goes if I forget to pull anything out or plans change I zap from frozen. Normally from frozen I make sure half way through I check them, for instance lasagne. I will slice in half and separate. But most of time it’s not needed.
Also most of the time I do pull out night before or morning of.
Question: One more question. Reheating roast veggies n potato go ok? Broccoli would cook itself I would imagine in the mic and I can just throw some frozen veggies in there for good measure too ?
Answer: I’ve not reheated roast veg hun. I still to mashed potato and baked potato or scallop potatoes as some call it.