After this mornings organic fruit shopping I’m making up some baby food in the slow cooker – Apple, Pear & Banana Mash.
4 X Apples, peeled
4 X Pears, peeled
1 X Banana (I used 2 as the organic bananas can be smaller than a ‘regular’ size banana)
Chop all fruits into small similar sized pieces and place in slow cooker.
Add 1/2 cup cooled boiled water.
Stir to combine.
Cook on low for 4 hours.
Stir a couple of times during cooking.
Purée or mash, depending on age of your little one.
This also freezes well in trays or reusable pouches.
After 4 hours. All super soft and enough liquid remaining to purée it.

baby food
Ready to freeze I ended up adding about a quarter cup of water to my mix as bub still has her purée quite thin. This mix freezes well and it’s great to mix with coconut yoghurt or over cooked oats. It’s super easy and it passes the taste test every time.